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will you begin again?

maybe. probably something new and better and something I'll finish but it won't be untill a few months


the granade dos so it becomes invisable

how to start the waves of zombies?

flaying opject

Are U drawing wearpons???

im not sure what you mean but  i didnt model the weapons but you can find them on the asset store they are called low poly weapons pack vol.2

i thought that you creating wearpons models, but its preety hard. Just intresting

(1 edit)

yeah i only model buildings, but i use magica voxel for that

Only Q and the scroll wheel work. E, T, and X were all broke. The terrorists just run at you without attacking you or the radio tower. They don't even do damage. You can just fall off the world if you walk to the end of the terrain. Their is only 1 wave as well

yeah im just prototyping its not real game ye